Quantum Quattro

Communication | Healing | Inner Strength
Quantum Quattro consists of five different stones; Shattuckite, Dioptase, Smoky Quartz, Malachite, and Chrysocolla. Being a combination stone, it carries the properties of each stone within it, as well as its own. Known as a universal healer, Quantum Quattro strengthens the immune system and heals the effects of grief, heartache, and abandonment. Placed within the home, it can bring in a new vibration of love, stability, and harmony.
Elements: All
Chakras: Heart, Third Eye, Throat
Rainbow Fluorite

Organization | Routine | Discipline
Rainbow Fluorite activates and cleanses all the chakras. It greatly enhances mental focus, clarity, and concentration. It helps one absorb new information quickly and efficiently, and improves both short and long term memory. It encourages one to incorporate structure, routine, and order into their daily life. Rainbow Fluorite is one of the most effective stones for maintaining self-discipline and overcoming procrastination.
Elements: Wind
Chakras: All
Rainbow Moonstone

Self-Discovery | Mental Clarity | Transformation
Rainbow Moonstone activates and aligns all the chakras, allowing energy to flow freely throughout the body. It forms a shield around the aura, protecting one from negative influences and psychic attacks. It is a powerful emotional healer and is recommended for those who carry old emotional wounds. It aids in eliminating self-doubt and fear, and encourages one to take on new opportunities that may come their way.
Elements: Water
Chakras: All
Rainbow Obsidian

Protection | Recovery | Emotional Healing
Rainbow Obsidian is a stone of self-transformation and spiritual awakening. It takes one on a journey into the depths of the subconscious mind, helping one resolve past issues and heal old emotional wounds. It enables one to gently release suppressed emotions that are preventing them from moving forward in life. It absorbs negative energy from the aura, making it important that this stone is regularly cleansed.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Root
Rainbow Tourmaline

Balance | Confidence | Inspiration
Rainbow Tourmaline is formed from multiple colored varieties of Tourmaline. It cleanses and protects the aura, and balances the entire meridian system. It enhances confidence and promotes joy, harmony, and unconditional love towards oneself and others. It eliminates negative thinking patterns and behaviors, and encourages one to make positive changes in all areas of their life that will benefit them in the long run.
Elements: Water
Chakras: All
Rainforest Rhyolite

Happiness | Transformation | Confidence
Rainforest Rhyolite is an ancient stone that promotes self-transformation. It encourages one to take time for themselves to actively pursue their goals. It imparts a sense of acceptance of one's true self and eliminates feelings of self-doubt. It allows one to deepen their connection with Mother Earth, nature spirits, and Mother Gaia. It is recommended to meditate with this stone in nature to experience its full healing effects.
Elements: Water
Chakras: All
Red Agate

Optimism | Wisdom | Support
Red Agate has been used for centuries to protect one from negative influences. It lights a fire within and motivates one to passionately pursue all their dreams and desires. It is a wonderful support stone for artists, writers, and musicians as it boosts creativity, inspiration, and imagination. It is also believed to encourage one to reflect on all aspects of their life and make wiser choices, particularly in relation to their finances.
Elements: Fire
Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus
Red Aventurine

Physical Healing | Energy | Enthusiasm
Red Aventurine encourages one to take decisive action to achieve their goals and stay committed, despite any setbacks or challenges. It is effective for combating fatigue, mental fog, and lethargy. It inspires creativity and promotes a fearless and optimistic mindset. Physically, it is believed to be effective in reducing pain of the lower back, treating autoimmune disorders, and stimulating the production of red blood cells.
Elements: Earth, Fire
Chakras: Sacral, Root
Red Calcite

Balance | Detoxification | Energy
Red Calcite is a highly energizing and detoxifying stone that helps rejuvenate and revitalize the physical body. It reduces stress and soothes imbalances which bring on fatigue and exhaustion. It is an excellent stone for women as it assists in balancing hormones and enhancing the absorption of vitamins and minerals. It is also said to be a wonderful support for women who are preparing for pregnancy and childbirth.
Elements: Fire, Earth
Chakras: Root, Crown, Heart
Red Jasper

Healing | Nurturing | Stability
Red Jasper is an ancient and sacred stone that has a deep connection to Mother Earth. It has a gentle and supportive energy that can help stabilize one's emotions and balance any aggressive energy. It increases libido, promotes fertility, and provides support to those who are recovering from an illness or injury of any kind. It imparts a sense of justice, giving one the courage and confidence to stand up for what is right.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Root
Red Tiger's Eye

Motivation | Self-Confidence | Ambition
Red Tiger's Eye increases motivation, self-confidence, and the drive to succeed. It is a highly stimulating stone that gives one the energy needed to overcome feelings of lethargy and fatigue. It can help one get through difficult periods without losing courage and hope. Physically, Red Tiger's Eye is said to alleviate physical aches and pains, treat blood disorders such as anemia, speed up the metabolism, and boost sex drive.
Elements: Fire
Chakras: All

Compassion | Peace | Healing
Rhodochrosite is a stone of compassion, personal growth, and self- acceptance. It gently brings repressed feelings to the surface so that one can heal their emotional wounds and move forward with their life. It calms and rebalances the nervous system and instills feelings of deep relaxation, making it beneficial for those who are stressed and anxious. It encourages one to put themselves first and take care of their well-being.
Elements: Water, Fire
Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus

Gratitude | Love | Generosity
Rhodonite is a stone of gratitude, love, and empathy. It has a joyful and uplifting energy that encourages one to engage in behaviors that help others in need. It is a great companion for anyone experiencing depression due to its soft, nurturing energy. It promotes acceptance and forgiveness of others, and dissolves feelings of resentment. It aids one in discovering their true passion in life and learning new skills.
Elements: Fire, Earth
Chakras: Heart, Root
Rose Quartz

Femininity | Love | Kindness
Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love that carries a soft, feminine energy. It opens and cleanses the heart chakra, allowing vibrations of love to flow freely and without fear. It promotes healthy and harmonious relationships of all kinds, and can be effective for attracting new love. It raises one's self-esteem and promotes self-love. Working with Rose Quartz is helpful to aid the acceptance of necessary change.
Elements: Water
Chakras: Heart

Passion | Courage | Power
Ruby emanates the highest vibrations of the pure Red Ray. It enhances passion and enthusiasm in all areas of life. It eliminates fear and self- doubt, giving one the courage and determination to make whatever leaps of faith are required to achieve their goals and dreams. Ruby is an energizing stone that revitalizes the mind, body, and spirit, making it an effective companion for those who feel a lack of strength and motivation.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Root
Ruby Fuchsite

Courage | Wellness | Generosity
Ruby Fuchsite combines the powerful energies of Ruby with the tranquil nature of Fuchsite to create a wonderful stone of emotional support. It fosters a sense of overall health and well-being, both mentally and physically. It clears blockages of the heart, allowing love to flow freely without restriction. It enables one to make decisions from a place of reason and gives one the strength to set firm boundaries with others.
Elements: Water
Chakras: Root, Heart
Ruby Kyanite

Awareness | Willpower | Protection
Ruby Kyanite combines the passionate energy of Ruby, with the powerful protective qualities of Blue Kyanite. It expands awareness, helping one pay closer attention to the messages they receive from their spirit guides. It offers protection during journeys outside of the body and enhances lucid dreaming. The Ruby within this stone can drastically improve willpower and increase one's ability to manifest all that they desire.
Elements: Earth, Storm
Chakras: All
Ruby Zoisite

Hope | Gratitude | Peace
Ruby Zoisite offers energies of optimism, hope, vitality, and personal growth. It is recommended for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one or fearing for their own death. It stimulates and opens the heart chakra, and inspires one to live with greater joy and gratitude each day. It helps one remain in the present moment and learn from every experience. It enables one to let go of fear, doubt, and anxiety about the future.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Heart, Root, Third Eye
Rutilated Quartz

Amplification | Intuition | Manifestation
Rutilated Quartz has a high vibration and aligns all the chakras. It promotes spiritual growth and attunes one to their Divine Purpose. It is very programmable and can be used to magnify the energy of any intention or affirmation. It accelerates the manifestation process and enhances intuition, psychic opening, and consciousness expansion. It allows one to release fear and anxiety related to childhood memories.
Elements: Storm
Chakras: All
Sardonyx Agate

Motivation | Vitality | Willpower
Sardonyx Agate contains the protective properties of Onyx, and the revitalizing energies of Carnelian. It greatly enhances willpower and courage, helping one take immediate action to achieve their goals. It dissolves feelings of self-doubt and helps one believe that their dreams are within reach. The Onyx within this stone helps one remain grounded, improves concentration, and promotes self-discipline.
Elements: Fire
Chakras: Root

Balance | Astral Travel | Stability
Scheelite is a rare stone that promotes spiritual awareness and psychic openness. Its powerful energy can make it too strong for meditation, however, some find it can be beneficial and serve as a point of focus. It enables one to create a strong connection with Mother Earth. It is said to be an excellent stone for shamanic journeying and astral travel. It cleanses and aligns all chakras, and stabilizes male and female energies.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Crown

Peace | Balance | Sleep
Scolecite enhances the dream state and stimulates intense lucid dreaming. It is ideal for use in meditation and healing sessions due to its ability to induce a deep state of relaxation. It is recommended to be worn by introverts and empaths as it can help them recharge after spending time in high-energy environments. It is also effective for those who are prone to panic attacks in large crowds due to its stabilizing properties.
Elements: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown
Sea Sediment Jasper

Spirituality | Lucid Dreaming | Vitality
Sea Sediment Jasper is a stone of support and stability. It eliminates fatigue and exhaustion, giving one a sense of renewed vitality. The purple variety of Sea Sediment Jasper helps one connect to the higher realms and accelerates one's spiritual growth. It is also a stone used in shamanic journeying. It is believed to greatly enhance the vividness of dreams and aid one's ability to interpret the symbolic messages of their dreams.
Elements: Earth, Water
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

Clarity | Protection | Peace
Selenite is a powerful stone with a very fine vibration. It purifies and cleanses the aura, and protects one from negative influences. It assists spiritual insight and aids one in seeing the deeper picture. It can be used to form a protective grid around a house, creating a safe and quiet space that does not allow outside influences in. Selenite can also be placed in a work setting to ensure a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere.
Elements: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown
Sectarian Nodule

Communication | Awakening | Grounding
Septarian Nodule is a unique stone comprised of Aragonite, Calcite, and Limestone. One may experience an inner awakening when working with this stone, driving a drastic and sudden change in forming new habits, routines, and behaviors. It improves the balance of the mind, body, and spirit, ensuring peace and harmony in all aspects of one's being. It enhances communication, particularly in large group settings.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Root

Healing | Angels | Balance
Seraphinite derives its name from Seraphim, the highest order of angels. Its unique white markings resemble angel wings. It holds a great deal of spiritual energy and facilitates contact with the angelic realm, the Divine Feminine, and nature spirits. It realigns the entire chakra system, clears blockages in the meridians, and promotes feelings of wholeness. Seraphinite is also said to help one redefine their sense of purpose in life.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: All

Kundalini | Nature | Spirituality
Serpentine is one of the best stones for stimulating the kundalini energies. Place this stone on the meridian points to clear blockages and allow a healthy flow of energy to radiate through the body. It is a very grounding stone that promotes personal transformation and deepens one's connection with nature. Serpentine is also a powerful manifestation tool, helping one quickly turn their goals and dreams into a reality.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: All

Channeling | Wisdom | Intuition
Shattuckite is a stone of channeling, mediumship, and connection to the inner realms. It sharpens intuition and opens one's psychic channels, enabling one to hear and understand messages from their inner guides and spirits of the deceased. It is said to improve one's communication skills and is an excellent stone for those who use verbal communication as a primary work skill, such as teachers and public speakers.
Elements: Wind, Water
Chakras: Third Eye, Heart, Throat
Shiva Eye Agate

Grounding | Wisdom | Protection
Shiva Eye Agate is an unusual form of Agate that washes up on riverbanks in India and is then carved into the shape of an eye. It brings awareness of one's intuition and enhances extrasensory perception. Meditating with this stone on the third eye will help clear the mind and facilitate psychic visions. It is recognized as a universal protection stone and has long been used to deflect psychic attacks, the evil eye, and negative energy.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Third Eye
Shiva Shell

Intuition | Divination | Wisdom
Shiva shell enhances intuition and promotes wisdom, helping one to better understand themselves and their place in the world. It has long been recognized as a divination and transformation tool which can assist one in finding a new path towards success in life. It enhances mental clarity and is beneficial to aid dream recall and interpretation. Shiva shells have a very uplifting energy that can awaken a sense of adventure.
Elements: Water
Chakras: Third Eye

Purification | Clarity | Protection
Shungite is a stone of purification and removes toxins from the body. It clears and reinvigorates each chakra, and supports the immune and lymphatic systems. It protects one from negative energy and influences, and counteracts the harmful effects of EMFs. Its vibration can clear the energy of an entire room. It is also effective in improving mental clarity and purifying one's emotions, thoughts, and intentions.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Root

Intuition | Balance | Patience
Silver is associated with emotions and the psychic mind. It is believed to increase sensitivity, expand one's psychic awareness, and strengthen intuition. Associated with the Moon, Silver is said to enhance the powers of the Moon, particularly during full and new moon cycles. It is believed to energize other stones and amplify their qualities. Silver is also a very protective mineral and deflects negative energy from the wearer.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: All
Silver Obsidian

Direction | Protection | Purpose
Silver Obsidian carries a higher vibration than regular Obsidian. It is a very protective stone, particularly when performing spiritual work. It is effective for anyone who feels lost or dissatisfied with their life. It is a stone of self-reflection and reminds us that we are the masters of our own destiny. It encourages one to take action to change the direction of their life, and make use of the gifts and talents they have been given.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus

Grounding | Discovery | Protection
Specularite carries all the properties of Hematite, while also offering the ability to ground higher vibrations into the physical plane. It is a beneficial stone to use for self-discovery as it helps one better understand who they are and the path they should follow in life. One may also experience increased synchronicities and messages through the dream realm. It is also beneficial in treating blood disorders and protecting one from EMFs.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Root, Crown
Smoky Quartz

Grounding | Calmness | Relaxation
Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful grounding stones available. It facilitates a deep connection to the energy of the Earth and acts as a gentle companion during times of stress. It encourages one to focus on solutions to problems, rather than dwell on their current emotional state. It clears away negative thoughts and feelings of hopelessness, making it an effective stone for anyone suffering with depression or anxiety.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Root
Snowflake Obsidian

Resilience | Grounding | Purification
Snowflake Obsidian can help one find light in the darkness and tune into their spiritual guidance. It purifies and strengthens the mind, allowing one to overcome negative thought patterns, and destructive habits and behaviors. It also helps one refrain from making impulsive decisions. It is beneficial to help with past-life recall and recovering deeply held subconscious memories from the present life to allow for healing.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Third Eye, Root

Calming | Sleep | Creativity
Sodalite is a stone that brings order and calmness to the mind. It promotes emotional balance, eases insomnia, and calms panic attacks. It improves self-acceptance and encourages one to gently let go of their insecurities and embrace who they are. It restores one's confidence in their unique talents, and enhances creativity and imagination. Place Sodalite in a group setting to promote harmony and cooperation.
Elements: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye

Grounding | Energy | Discernment
Sphalerite is a stone of personal power and energy. It promotes self- confidence, stabilizes mood swings, and encourages one to form positive habits and routines. It eliminates fatigue, strengthens the immune system, and is helpful for those who are recovering from an illness or injury. It calms an overactive mind and helps one ground their thoughts. It is a stone of discernment and guides one in making the right decisions in life.
Elements: Earth, Fire
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Spirit Quartz

Spirituality | Unity | Harmony
Spirit Quartz holds a great deal of spiritual energy and creates a sense of magic in one's life. It better connects one to the fairy realm and nature spirits. It is a very grounding stone and forms a protective shield around the aura. It is recommended to be worn by empaths and those who are sensitive to the energies of other people. Spirit Quartz is also an effective stone for fostering unity and harmony in a household or workplace.
Elements: Earth, Storm
Chakras: All

Love | Peace | Sleep
Stilbite emanates a loving and soothing vibration which can often be felt immediately upon touching it. It connects the crown, third eye, and heart chakras together, helping one become more aware of the emotions weighing on their heart space. It is very beneficial for insomnia sufferers, helping one quickly drift into a deep sleep. It is commonly used in dream work as it can increase the vividness and profundity of one's dreams.
Elements: Wind
Chakras: Crown, Third Eye, Heart
Strawberry Quartz

Imagination | Playfulness | Relationship
Strawberry Quartz has a playful and joyful energy that allows one to reconnect with their inner child. It stimulates creativity and imagination, helping artists, writers, and musicians keep their work fresh and interesting. It helps one move on from any past trauma or negative experiences and feel the beauty of the present moment. Place in the home to encourage positive bonds to form between loved ones.
Elements: Fire
Chakras: All

Acceptance | Healing | Protection
Sugilite is a powerful stone of the Purple Ray. It promotes emotional healing and is recommended to be worn by empaths, or those who feel alienated and alone. It reorganizes brain patterns that underlie learning difficulties, such as dyslexia. Sugilite is believed to be effective for those who have autism, ADHD, or schizophrenia due to its loving, nurturing energy that promotes positive thoughts and self-acceptance.
Elements: Wind
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Etheric

Optimism | Joy | Harmony
Sunstone has a bright, positive energy that aligns the mind, body, and spirit with its highest vibrations. It brings passion, enthusiasm, and creativity back into one's life when they have lost touch with those feelings. It facilitates self-empowerment and independence, and is helpful for those who have difficulty setting boundaries with others. It enhances self-esteem and encourages an optimistic worldview.
Elements: Fire
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Super Seven

Healing | Attunement | Clarity
Super Seven is a rare mineral with seven crystals in one; Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, Smoky Quartz, and Quartz. Meditating with this stone can help one access their higher purpose and attune their energy to celestial beings. It is effective in helping one heal from past-life trauma. Due to its high vibration, Super Seven does not require cleansing and can assist the cleansing of other crystals.
Elements: Earth, Storm
Chakras: All
Tangerine Quartz

Sexuality | Spiritual Growth | Creativity
Tangerine Quartz activates the sacral chakra, stimulating one's creativity and sexual energies, blending them to enhance spiritual growth. Meditating with Tangerine Quartz can trigger bursts of creative thoughts and ideas. It inspires one to take immediate action to make those ideas a reality. It is beneficial for romantic partners to sleep with this stone as it can work to elicit sexual desire, love, and passion in the relationship.
Elements: Fire
Chakras: Sacral
Teal Agate

Confidence | Peace | Harmony
Teal Agate has a relatively low frequency, making it a soothing and peaceful stone. It is helpful in alleviating stress and worried thoughts. It rebalances and harmonizes the body, and encourages peacefulness and quiet contemplation. It induces pleasant dreams and promotes a restful sleep. It is an excellent stone for improving communication skills, enabling one to speak with calmness, clarity, and confidence.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat

Dreams | Insight | Healing
Tektite vibrates on a very high frequency and can be instantly felt by those who are sensitive to the energies of crystals. It facilitates astral travel and accelerates psychic development. Meditating with Tektite is said to elevate one to a higher state of consciousness. It clears blockages in the lower chakras and connects them with the higher chakras, allowing energy to flow freely throughout the subtle bodies.
Elements: Storm
Chakras: All

Clarity | Well-Being | Energy
Terahertz is a man-made stone that emits far-infrared and negative ion energy. The far-infrared energy helps promote metabolism, improve blood circulation, and ease muscle pain and inflammation. The negative ion energy protects the body from harmful radiation and pollutants. As Terahertz revitalizes energy flow and enhances circulation in the skin, it is said to slow down the aging process and help one appear more youthful.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Root
Tiger Iron

Clarity | Endurance | Drive
Tiger Iron is a combination of Hematite, Red Jasper, and Tiger Eye. It is a rare and powerful stone that can only be found in Western Australia. The Hematite within Tiger Iron helps one keep their thoughts grounded, while keeping their mental state clear. Red Jasper’s energies help one increase their focus, determination, and endurance. Tiger Iron can eliminate procrastination, resulting in one's projects and ideas coming to fruition.
Elements: Fire, Earth
Chakras: Solar Plexus, Root, Sacral
Tiger's Eye

Courage | Energy | Ambition
Tiger's Eye carries the energies of a combination of sun and earth elements, making it a powerful stone of both grounding and energizing vibrations. It gives one the courage to step out of their comfort zone and take action to achieve their goals. It amplifies the energies of other crystals as well as one's intentions. It can help one feel confident and self-empowered, and reduce the need for approval from other people.
Elements: Earth, Fire
Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus

Confidence | Balance | Grounding
Tourmaline grounds spiritual energy, balances all the chakras, and forms a protective shield around the aura. It promotes self-confidence and eliminates fear of the unknown. It banishes any feelings of being a victim, and promotes tolerance and compassion towards oneself and others. It is said to be helpful in treating dyslexia as it improves hand-to-eye coordination and aids the translation of complex and coded information.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: All
Tourmaline Quartz

Balance | Grounding | Healing
Tourmaline Quartz combines the powerful properties of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline. It is a helpful stone for those who need help remaining on their spiritual path, especially if they have deviated to engage in harmful behaviors. It cleanses the aura, restores balance to all the chakras, and clears any stagnant energy. It enhances mental clarity and improves concentration, memory retention, and analytical abilities.
Elements: Storm
Chakras: All
Tree Agate

Courage | Peace | Tranquility
Tourmaline Quartz combines the powerful properties of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline. It is a helpful stone for those who need help remaining on their spiritual path, especially if they have deviated to engage in harmful behaviors. It cleanses the aura, restores balance to all the chakras, and clears any stagnant energy. It enhances mental clarity and improves concentration, memory retention, and analytical abilities.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: Root, Heart, Crown
Tricolor Calcite

Renewal | Amplification | Alignment
Tricolor calcite is a unique combination of different colored calcites in one piece. It is a powerful energy amplifier and radiates a calming yet revitalizing energy. It is effective in clearing energy blockages and imbalances, allowing a healthy flow of energy to radiate through the body. Placed within a home or office, it has the ability to remove negative and stagnant energy, and ensure harmony, peace, and cooperation.
Elements: Earth
Chakras: All

Awakening | Insight | Ascension
Trolleite is a rare and unique stone with a very high vibration. It deeply stimulates the upper chakras, enabling one to develop a Divine connection with their higher self. It greatly enhances intuition and helps one manifest what they need for their highest good. It releases fear and self-doubt, and is a powerful aid to help one identify what has been holding them back from achieving the life they desire.
Elements: Water
Chakras: Crown, Third Eye, Throat

Calmness | Truth | Courage
Turquoise has a soft, gentle, and nurturing energy. It is recommended to be worn by anyone who fears public speaking as it promotes calm and clear communication with others. It dispels negative energy and can be used to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere. It instills a deep sense of inner peace and is effective for those suffering with social anxiety, panic attacks, or depression.
Elements: Storm
Chakras: Throat